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Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Image source
School official website
School official website

Basic school information

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School & Fukuoka Maizuru Senior High School are located in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. A private junior and senior high school located in Kitahara 2-chome, Nishi-ku.The abbreviations are "Maizuru", "Fukuoka Maizuru", "FMH" and "Seiwa".

Deviation value/famous celebrity (celebrity's alma mater)

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Deviation valueMiddle school: 31
High School: 41-62
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Urawa Shige (rower (London, Beijing, Athens Olympics representative))
Ryunosuke Noda (professional soccer player)
Foi (DJ (Represent Earth))
Hiroko Matsunaga (fashion model)
Manroku Nomura (Noh actor)
Shunsuke Hirai (comedian)
Taiki Tsutsumi (comedian)
Yusuke Ikeuchi (comedian)
Yuma Goto (soccer player)
Masaaki Iwaki (professional soccer player)

Uniform basic information

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

・Navy blazer for both men and women
・Gray check trousers for boys
・Navy check skirt for girls
・Navy ribbon, navy necktie
・Girls only full-body navy blue style

Comparison of new and old uniforms, what has changed?

New uniform (current uniform)old uniform
Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

[Which do you prefer, old or new? ] Kawashima Gakuen Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School's old and new uniforms, which do you prefer?

  • [New Uniform / Men's and Women's Blazer] Navy Blazer, Gray Check Pants, Navy Check Skirt, Women's Whole Body Navy Blue Style (95% 38 Votes)
  • [Old school uniform/men's blazer/women's bolero] Men's navy blazer/grey plain pants/women's navy bolero/navy plain skirt/girls only full body navy blue style (5% 2 Votes)
  • i like both (0% 0 Votes)
  • i hate both (0% 0 Votes)

Number of votes: 40

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform] Loading ...

A new uniform will be introduced from 2022/Reiwa 4.

Former Uniform: Men's Navy Gaku Run/Gray Plain Trousers/Women's Navy Bolero/Navy Plain Skirt

Click on the old uniform details to see details
Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

・Men's navy blazer ・Gray plain pants ・Red and navy tie
・Women's navy bolero ・Navy plain skirt ・Summer gray plain skirt ・Red and navy ribbon
・Girls only full-body navy blue style

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Uniform evaluation and actual impressions by students and parents

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

・I changed my uniform and got better

・It's a drama-like uniform that looks just like the Korinkan uniform!It's cute with purple as an accent!

・The new uniform is super cute.I envy new students.

・The school uniform will be changed from the new students on the 100th anniversary.It has a very cute design!Based on blue and purple.

Uniform store information, price, price range

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

*For reference only.Information may be outdated or changed.For details, please follow the school guidance after admission.

Sales outletPrice/price range
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Information formWe would be happy to hear from you.
[Mid-price range] 40,000 to 99,999 yen: Higher than the national average, but less than 10 yen

*This does not apply if uniforms are recycled.

Student uniform wearing image / video list summary

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Celebrity/celebrity's alma mater/uniform when attending school

DJ Foi (Represent Fox) in school uniform

NowWhen I was in school
Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Summary of photo images and videos of students' gym clothes and jerseys

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

[Video] Videos of students moving, club activities, etc.

old uniform

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

New uniform (current uniform)old uniform
Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]

[Which do you prefer, old or new? ] Kawashima Gakuen Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School's old and new uniforms, which do you prefer?

  • [New Uniform / Men's and Women's Blazer] Navy Blazer, Gray Check Pants, Navy Check Skirt, Women's Whole Body Navy Blue Style (95% 38 Votes)
  • [Old school uniform/men's blazer/women's bolero] Men's navy blazer/grey plain pants/women's navy bolero/navy plain skirt/girls only full body navy blue style (5% 2 Votes)
  • i like both (0% 0 Votes)
  • i hate both (0% 0 Votes)

Number of votes: 40

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform] Loading ...

Originally posted on 2022-02-24 12:44:08.

Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]Fukuoka Maizuru Seiwa Junior High School / Fukuoka Maizuru High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress [2022 / Reiwa 4 new uniform]Add to Favorite Schools