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Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

School official websiteSource:
School official website

Ohshigaku Enchuu School
Private schools in Kawasaki
Onishi Gakuen Junior High School / Onishi Gakuen High School (Onishi Gakuen High School) is a private junior high school and high school located in Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, that provides integrated middle and high school education.In a high school, an integrated junior and senior high school that mixes classes from the first grade between students who enter from junior high school and go to external schools and students who enter from high school.It used to be an all-girls school, but since 1 it has become coeducational.Wikipedia
Location: 211-0063 Kosugicho, Nakahara Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 044-722-9201
Founded: 1928
Consistent middle and high school education: co-located type (external mixed)
Coeducational/Separate: Coeducational
Credit system/Grade system: Grade system
Classification of National, Public and Private Schools: Private Schools
Established Departments: General Course; Commerce Course (women); Home Economics (women)
Founder: Onishi Gakuen Educational Foundation

Uniform basic information (uniform details, dress code, school rules, etc.)

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Navy blazers for both men and women.
Men's: Plain gray trousers (thinly checked), red and navy necktie
For girls, navy, green and red Christmas checkered skirts and navy ribbons.

Uniform evaluation and actual impressions by students and parents

・I think winter uniforms are cute.Summer clothes and matching clothes are very lame.

・There are people who think I'm cute, but I don't know what's cute about me.

・For women's uniforms, there are summer uniforms and winter uniforms.Winter clothes are cute if you wear a blazer.Suits are the worst for me.

Summary of images and videos of students wearing uniforms (quoted below)

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review


Summary of photo images and videos of students' gym clothes and jerseys

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed Review

Onishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed ReviewOnishi Gakuen Junior High School Uniform Image Summary, Word of Mouth Reputation, Uniform Detailed ReviewAdd to Favorite Schools