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Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

School official websiteSource:
School official website

fujisawashiri akihadaichu school
Junior high school in Fujisawa
Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School is a public junior high school located in Endo, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture.At a school where greetings are the focus of instruction, every morning for the first week of every month, the student council and volunteer students greet each other in front of the school gates, an activity centered on the student council called the "greeting campaign."Abbreviation is Autumn.Wikipedia
Location: 252-0816 Endo, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 0466-87-6815
Established: XNUM X Year X NUM X Month X NUM X Day
Date of establishment: April 1976, 51 (Showa 4)

Uniform basic information (uniform details, dress code, school rules, etc.)

New uniformold uniform
Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

A new uniform will be introduced from 2021.Women's slacks pants are also introduced.
The uniform has been changed to suit the new era.

Former uniform: Women's navy blazer, navy plain skirt, men's black school uniform, black plain trousers, women's whole body navy blue, no tie ribbon

New uniform: gray check skirt, gray check trousers, gray ribbon, gray tie, gray blazer

After XNUMX, students wearing the old uniform will disappear.
From the introduction to the final year of the old uniform, the school has a mixture of students wearing the old uniform and the new uniform.

Uniform evaluation and actual impressions by students and parents

・The uniform was changed, and it was a blazer, and it was much better than before. (I liked the previous one, but) If you wear the uniform properly, no one will say anything.I don't like skirts below the knee

Summary of images and videos of students wearing uniforms (quoted below)

Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

Summary of photo images and videos of students' gym clothes and jerseys

Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

old uniform

Uniform until 2020

Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]

Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]Fujisawa Municipal Akibadai Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review, new uniform old uniform comparison [2021/3 new uniform]Add to Favorite Schools