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Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information


Iwase Nihon University High School is a private high school affiliated with Nihon University located in Tomobe, Sakuragawa City, Ibaraki Prefecture.Established by Tsuchiura Nihon University School Corporation. Established in 1974 as a branch school of Tsuchiura Nihon University High School, it became independent as the 2002rd Nihon University affiliated school in 23.Wikipedia
Location: 309 Tomobe, Sakuragawa City, Ibaraki Prefecture 1453-XNUMX
Phone: 0296-75-2242
Founded: April 2002
Date of establishment: April 2002
Founding Anniversary: ​​November 10th
High school code: 08523F
Specialized course within the department: Nihon University Course, National Course
Classification of National, Public and Private Schools: Private Schools
Establishment subject: General course

uniform has been changed.
Navy blazer, plain gray trousers, and gray check skirt.
Summer clothes for girls are sailor suits.
Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information


Former Uniforms (Showa/Heisei period albums) ~Uniforms used in the past~

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information


Originally posted on 2022-02-24 11:11:11.

Iwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationIwase Nihon University High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationAdd to Favorite Schools