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Aomori Prefectural Aomori Technical High School uniform photo summary, review review reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information


Aomori Prefectural Aomori Technical High School is a prefectural technical high school located in Mayashiri, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture.The abbreviations are "Aomori Industry" and "Kogyo".They are also called "Aikou" in the school song and cheering for the players.Wikipedia
Location: 039-3507 Umayashiri Shimizu-ryu, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 017-737-3600
Founded: 1913
High school code: 02141F
Established: 1913 (Taisho 2)
School Motto: Creativity, Harmony, Labor
Coeducational/Separate: Coeducational
Courses: Full-time course Part-time course

Aomori Prefectural Aomori Technical High School uniform photo summary, review review reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Aomori Prefectural Aomori Technical High School uniform photo summary, review review reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Aomori Prefectural Aomori Technical High School uniform photo summary, review review reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Originally posted on 2022-02-24 12:28:40.

Aomori Prefectural Aomori Technical High School uniform photo summary, review review reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationAomori Prefectural Aomori Technical High School uniform photo summary, review review reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationAdd to Favorite Schools