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Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information


Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School is a prefectural high school located in Yoshinari, Ojincho, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture.Locally, it is abbreviated as Kitakō and Tokuhoku.Also, before the official name was decided, it was also called Kawakita High School.Wikipedia
Location: 771-1153 Yoshinari Nakanose, Ojincho, Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
Hours may vary during Golden Week
Phone: 088-698-8004
Established: XNUM X Year X NUM X Month X NUM X Day
High School Code: 36140C
School Motto: Independence, Creativity, Fraternity
Founding Anniversary: ​​November 11th
Establishment Department: General Course International English Department
School Districts: (General Course) 3rd School District; (International English Course) All Prefecture School Districts
Coeducational/Separate: Coeducational

Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationTokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information


Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information


Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Originally posted on 2022-02-24 12:03:52.

Tokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationTokushima Prefectural Tokushima Kita High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationAdd to Favorite Schools