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Kanto Gakuin Mutsu
Private schools in Yokohama
Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School and Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura High School (Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura High School) are private junior and senior high schools located in Mutsuura Higashi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and provide integrated middle and high school education.In high school, it was a complete junior high and high school that did not recruit students, but from 2016, it was decided to conduct a rugby recommendation entrance examination for high school students.In addition, there is no relationship with Yokohama Municipal Mutsuura Junior High School.Wikipedia
Location: Kanto Gakuin University Yokohama Kanazawa Hakkei Campus
Location: 236-0037-XNUMX Mutsuurahigashi, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 045-781-2525
Founded: 1953
Consistent middle and high school education: Completely consistent system
Coeducational/Separate: Coeducational
Credit system/Grade system: Grade system
Classification of National, Public and Private Schools: Private Schools
Semester: 3 semesters
Date of establishment: 1953 (Showa 28)

Uniform basic information (uniform details, dress code, school rules, etc.)

Junior high school uniformHigh school (high school) uniform

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Middle and high school uniforms are almost the same. (The degree to which the color of the necktie or ribbon changes)

Navy blazers for both men and women.
men's plain gray trousers
Women's blue and green checkered skirt
Women's slacks OK.
They are wearing modern uniforms.

Middle School: Brown Ribbon → High School: Navy Ribbon
Middle school: Navy and gray tie → High school: Green tie

Uniform evaluation and actual impressions by students and parents

・I honestly like it, it's almost like I chose it for my uniform.Girls can buy trousers.It is warm even in winter, so it is recommended.

・It's neither flashy nor plain, it's a Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura junior high school uniform!

・I didn't dislike it, but anyway, the girls' mood swings are terrible, so they look uncool.Too many legs.Kanto Gakuin High School, our sister school, is cuter.

・It's a traditional Kanto Mutsuura joke to call a girl's ribbon tie "semi", so why don't students just change the ribbon tie? ?

Summary of images and videos of students wearing uniforms (quoted below)

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed review

Summary of photo images and videos of students' gym clothes and jerseys



old uniform

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Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed reviewKanto Gakuin Mutsuura Junior High School uniform image summary, word-of-mouth reputation, uniform detailed reviewAdd to Favorite Schools