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Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.


Hayatomo High School is a private high school located in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture.The founder is the educational corporation Hayatomo Gakuen.Hayatomo Driving School is attached.Wikipedia
Location: 750-0009-XNUMX Uedanakacho, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 083-231-0080
Founded: 1912
High school code: 35517J
Former name: Shimonoseki Abe Sewing Girls' School Shimonoseki Abe High School for Girls
Founder: Hayatomo Gakuen (Chairman: Keiichi Furuta, Member of the House of Representatives)
Classification of National, Public and Private Schools: Private Schools
Departments: Ordinary Department; Automobile Engineering Department; Lifestyle Creation Department; Hygiene and Nursing Department
Coeducational/Separate: Coeducational

Hayatomo High School
The uniforms are slightly different between Seiseikan and others.
Regular course uniforms other than SeiseikanSeiseikan's uniform

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Main building course other than Seiseikan: navy tone.The girl's skirt is a navy and pink check.Men's plain navy trousers.

Seiseikan Course: All men and women wear dark blue.Navy plain skirt, navy plain pants.Men's and women's ties.

Seiseikan is a course for highly educated students, and the uniform has a calm atmosphere.


Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.

Originally posted on 2022-02-24 12:57:25.

Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.Hayatomo High School uniform photo image summary, review word of mouth reputation, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information.Differences in uniforms from the Seiseikan course, etc.Add to Favorite Schools