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Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

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School official website
School official website

Hokkaido University
Junior high school in Sapporo
Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo Junior High School is an educational research institute affiliated with Hokkaido University of Education Sapporo Campus located in Kita Ward, Sapporo City.Wikipedia
Location: Hokkaido University of Education
Location: 002-8075-XNUMX Ainosato, Kita Ward, Sapporo City, Hokkaido XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 011-778-0481
Established: XNUM X Year X NUM X Month X NUM X Day
Classification of National, Public and Private Schools: National Schools
School Code: C101110000018
Establisher: National University Corporation Hokkaido University of Education
Former name: Junior High School Attached to Boys' Division of Hokkaido First Normal School Hokkaido Gakugei University Junior High School Attached to Boys' Division of Hokkaido First Normal School Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido Gakugei University
Opening day: May 6nd

Uniform basic information (uniform details, dress code, school rules, etc.)

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Boys wear school uniforms and girls wear blazers.
Boys wear black gakuran and plain black trousers.
For girls, navy blazer, plain navy skirt, and no tie ribbon.
Her summer uniform is a navy one-piece janska uniform.
Women only full body navy blue style.
There is a good chance that men's school run will be changed to a blazer in the future.

Uniform evaluation and actual impressions by students and parents

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

・The school uniform is cute and popular with the students.The price is reasonable and I don't mind replacing

・Boys are normal gakuran.I often hear that girls are lame.It's honestly lame even from a boy's point of view.

・It is famous that girls should wear top and bottom together.

Student uniform wearing image / video list summary

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Summary of photo images and videos of students' gym clothes and jerseys

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Sapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationSapporo Junior High School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationAdd to Favorite Schools