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Toyako Municipal Toya Junior High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

School official websiteSource:
School official website

Location: 049-5802 Toya-cho, Toyako-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido XNUMX-XNUMX
Phone: 0142-82-5052

Uniform basic information (uniform details, dress code, school rules, etc.)

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If you have any information please commentInformation formWe would be happy to hear from you.

Student uniform wearing image / video list summary

*The information in this article is missing information and we are requesting information.
If you have any information please commentInformation formWe would be happy to hear from you.

Summary of photo images and videos of students' gym clothes and jerseys

Toyako Municipal Toya Junior High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information

Toyako Municipal Toya Junior High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationToyako Municipal Toya Junior High School uniform photo summary, review word of mouth reputation, summer clothes winter clothes detailed informationAdd to Favorite Schools