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Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

School official websiteSource:
School official website

Nagoya Keizai University Ichimura Junior High School and High School school.

*Ichimura Academy

Uniform basic information (uniform details, dress code, school rules, etc.)

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Junior high school uniformHigh school (high school) uniform

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Uniforms are the same in middle and high school. (The degree to which the color of the necktie or ribbon changes)

Purple engine blazers for both men and women
Gray check trousers for boys, purple engine and navy check skirt for girls
Summer clothes for girls are white sailor blazers and pink ribbons.

Middle and high school changes:
Gray tie → Purple engine and navy and gray check tie
Purple engine, navy and gray check ribbon → gold (yellow) ribbon

Uniforms are quite popular (girls)

In the past, it was a neat and clean uniform with a whole body navy blue style, but with the current uniform, the popularity of uniforms has skyrocketed.

New uniformold uniform
Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Former uniform: navy blazer, navy plain skirt, navy plain pants, navy ribbon, navy tie, men's whole body navy blue, women's whole body navy blue
Both men and women are navy blue style.Uniforms that look like uniforms in neat and calm colors.

It has become much more fashionable than the past uniforms, and since the current uniforms have become very popular, the school entrance system for them has also increased.

Uniform evaluation and actual impressions by students and parents

・Girls' uniforms are so cute that they rank among the top in Japan.Many people chose school by uniform.

・The uniforms are made by a company that makes AKB costumes, so they look like idols and the girls are super cute.

·cute.It seems that there are more children who choose by uniform.The number of female students has increased considerably since the new uniforms were introduced.

Student uniform wearing image / video list summary

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison


Former Uniforms (Showa/Heisei period albums) ~Uniforms used in the past~

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparison

Originally posted on 2022-02-24 13:28:19.

Nagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparisonNagoya University of Economics Ichimura Junior High School uniform photo image video summary, review word of mouth, student dress, summer clothes winter clothes detailed information [Ichimura Gakuen], old uniform new uniform comparisonAdd to Favorite Schools